
ADF Powerful DFT software for modeling chemistry. Especially useful of Energy Decomposition Analysis.
AIMAll AIMAll is an efficient quantum chemistry software package for performing comprehensive analysis on the electronic density.
Chemcraft is a graphical program for working with quantum chemistry computations.
Gaussian16 Gaussian is a globally popular state-of-the-art package that allows the modeling of complex chemical reactions.
Molden Molden is a package for displaying Molecular and electronic structures from the Ab Initio packages

Molpro is a complete system of ab initio programs for molecular electronic structure calculations.
NBONBO is a nice tool for giving chemical insights from complex wavefunctions
Orca Widely used QM program suite especially suited for DFT calculations and the determination of spectroscopic parameters.
Turbomole TURBOMOLE is a fast and robust Quantum Chemistry (QC) program package for ab initio electronic structure calculations
VMDVMD is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems. It gives nice features to plot cubes.
ICC WikiThe group internal Wiki.
OrdersTo order chemicals and general material
Ahlrich’s basis set libraryBasis set library for the Ahlrich basis sets like def2-SVP.
Basis set exchange libraryGeneral basis set library.